Streaming Logs to Chainflip

Streaming Logs to Chainflip

Because life is shorter than downloading 4.9GB worth of logs over SSH, you can optionally stream your node and engine logs to our community Loki (opens in a new tab) Server.


To set this up you'll need to install and setup promtail (opens in a new tab).

Get Promtail

Simply run the following commands to get the latest version of promtail:

sudo mkdir /opt/promtail
sudo wget -qO /opt/promtail/promtail.gz "${PROMTAIL_VERSION}/"
sudo gunzip /opt/promtail/promtail.gz
sudo chmod a+x /opt/promtail/promtail
sudo ln -s /opt/promtail/promtail /usr/local/bin/promtail
## Versify the installation
promtail -version

Add Promtail Config

Create a config file by running:

sudo nano /opt/promtail/chainflip-promtail.yaml

Then copy and paste the following:

  http_listen_port: 9080
  grpc_listen_port: 0
  filename: /opt/promtail/positions.yaml
    network: "perseverance"
    host: "your_node_public_ip_address"
    vanity: "your_node_vanity_name"
    ss58Address: "your_node_id"
  - job_name: systemd
      max_age: 12h
      - source_labels: ["__journal__systemd_unit"]
        target_label: "unit"

Make sure you update vanity and ss58Address to match the values for your node. You can get these values from the Auctions App (opens in a new tab)

Save the file and exit by hitting CTRL+x then typing y and finally hitting Enter.

Configure Promtail Service

In order for Promtail to keep running in the background, you'll configure a systemd service.

Simply run:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/promtail.service

Then copy and paste the following:

Description=Promtail client for sending logs to Loki
ExecStart=/opt/promtail/promtail -config.file=/opt/promtail/chainflip-promtail.yaml

Save the file and exit by hitting CTRL+x then typing y and finally hitting Enter.

Finally, restart the systemd daemon for changes to take effect, then enable and start promtail:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable promtail.service
sudo systemctl start promtail.service

Check if everything is running smoothly:

systemctl status promtail.service

The output should be something like:

 promtail.service - Promtail
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/promtail.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-04-11 11:40:11 UTC; 15min ago
   Main PID: 269769 (promtail)
      Tasks: 11 (limit: 9508)
     Memory: 23.9M
     CGroup: /system.slice/promtail.service
             └─269769 /opt/promtail/promtail -config.file=/opt/promtail/chainflip-promtail.yaml

You can get log from promtail by running:

journalctl -f -u promtail.service

Congratulations! You have successfully set up Promtail to stream logs to Chainflip! 🎉

Is this Okay?

If you see something like when checking Promtail logs:

Apr 11 19:29:55 localhost promtail[3334372]: level=warn ts=2023-04-11T23:29:55.498899392Z caller=client.go:419 component=client msg="error sending batch, will retry" status=429 tenant= error="server returned HTTP status 429 Too Many Requests (429): entry with timestamp 2023-04-11 23:29:55.434747521 +0000 UTC ignored, reason: 'Per stream rate limit exceeded (limit: 3MB/sec) while attempting to ingest for stream '{filename="/var/log/chainflip-engine.log", network="perseverance", ss58Address="cFJQy58CJKJhNCBnV89qQhcQYQSgC6cg8dGWiTJb8xqWsMyQ3", unit="chainflip-engine.service", vanity="djterminator.eth#2704"}' totaling 201B, consider splitting a stream via additional labels or contact your Loki administrator to see if the limit can be increased' for stream: {filename="/var/log/chainflip-engine.log", network="perseverance", ss58Address="cFJQy58CJKJhNCBnV89qQhcQYQSgC6cg8dGWiTJb8xqWsMyQ3", unit="chainflip-engine.service", vanity="djterminator.eth#2704"},"

Don't worry! This is a precautionary step to stop our server from being overwhelmed. When you initiate log streaming, Promtail will try to transmit all your logs, which could amount to several gigabytes. Consequently, your requests will be restricted until the batches you submit decrease in size.
