Upgrading 0.9.3 -> 0.10.0

Upgrading 0.9.3 -> 0.10.0

0.10.0 includes the ability to specify a backup RPC node for each supported blockchain. As a result there have been some configuration file changes.

The migration of the configuration file should be done automatically. However, if you use environment variables or command line arguments, then please read the Manual migration section.


For Docker or Kubernetes users, see here for warnings about this release.

Upgrade steps

Due to significant breaking changes we have decided to push the new engine version as an entirely new package: chainflip-engine0.10. Why you may ask? Well by doing it this way, we don't risk breaking your current setup, plus you can safely run both versions side by side. We also avoid using error-prone preinst scripts.


Any systemd overrides you have configured previously won't take effect. You will have to reconfigure them for the new package. Make sure to manually migrate them before upgrading.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install --only-upgrade chainflip-*

Wait for the node to successfully restart. You can check that the node was successfully upgraded by running:

journalctl -u chainflip-node -f

You should see an output similar to this, before you can proceed with upgrade:

Oct 20 08:39:12 perseverance-validator-assem chainflip-node[1949531]: 2023-10-20 08:39:12 ✨ Imported #710058 (0xbe39…db69)
Oct 20 08:39:15 perseverance-validator-assem chainflip-node[1949531]: 2023-10-20 08:39:15 💤 Idle (9 peers), best: #710058 (0xbe39…db69), finalized #710056 (0xcdd1…63ea), ⬇ 237.0kiB/s ⬆ 322.9kiB/s
Oct 20 08:39:18 perseverance-validator-assem chainflip-node[1949531]: 2023-10-20 08:39:18 Transfer amount is greater than available funds
Oct 20 08:39:18 perseverance-validator-assem chainflip-node[1949531]: 2023-10-20 08:39:18 ✨ Imported #710059 (0x9112…e09f)
sudo apt install chainflip-engine0.10
sudo systemctl enable chainflip-engine0.10
sudo systemctl start chainflip-engine0.10

Check your logs to ensure everything is running smoothly.

journalctl -u chainflip-engine0.10 -f

You should see the following logs being repeated:

{"timestamp":"2023-10-18T12:58:25.219347Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"This version '0.10.0' is incompatible with the current release '0.9.3' at block: 0x4f75…e036. WAITING for a compatible release version."},"target":"chainflip_engine::state_chain_observer::client"}

Your engine might report a log like This version '0.10.0' is incompatible with the current release '0.0.0'. This is fixed in 0.10.0 and can be ignored.

AFTER the runtime upgrade

The currently installed package (chainflip-engine), will go into an idle mode. You can check this by running:

journalctl -u chainflip-engine -f

You should see the following logs:

{"timestamp":"2023-10-18T13:55:01.469178Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"Current runtime is not compatible with this CFE version (SemVer { major: 0, minor: 9, patch: 3 })"},"target":"chainflip_engine"}

Now double check that your new engine is running smoothly:

journalctl -u chainflip-engine0.10 -f

Only at this point, you can safely shut down the old engine version.


We cannot stress this enough, DO NOT disable or stop the old engine (running 0.9.3) until we have pushed the new runtime upgrade AND you have confirmed that the new engine (running 0.10.0) is running successfully.

sudo systemctl stop chainflip-engine
sudo systemctl disable chainflip-engine

Manual migration

If you use environment variables or command line arguments, or there was some problem when migrating the configuration file automatically, then you will need to migrate your settings manually.

Here's how to migrate each type of settings:

Config file

Your Settings.toml file in 0.9.3 (for just the RPCs) configs would look something like this:

#... other settings
# Ethereum private key file path. This file should contain a hex-encoded private key.
private_key_file = "/etc/chainflip/keys/ethereum_key_file"
ws_node_endpoint = "WSS_ENDPOINT_OF_ETHEREUM_RPC"
http_node_endpoint = "HTTPS_ENDPOINT_OF_ETHEREUM_RPC"
ws_node_endpoint = "wss://"
http_node_endpoint = ""
http_node_endpoint = ""
rpc_user = "flip"
rpc_password = "flip"
#... other settings...

For 0.10.0, you want to change the configuration file so it looks something like this:

#... other settings...
# Ethereum private key file path. This file should contain a hex-encoded private key.
private_key_file = "/etc/chainflip/keys/ethereum_key_file"
# [eth.backup_rpc]
ws_endpoint = "wss://"
http_endpoint = ""
http_endpoint = ""
basic_auth_user = "flip"
basic_auth_password = "flip"
# [btc.backup_rpc]
# http_endpoint = ""
# basic_auth_user = "flip2"
# basic_auth_password = "flip2"
#... other settings...

Note the following changes:

  • eth -> eth.rpc (same for dot and btc) for the rpc endpoint configuration.
  • rpc_user and rpc_password for btc are now basic_auth_user and basic_auth_password respectively
  • The backup_rpc sections are commented out. You can uncomment them and add the backup nodes if you wish
  • ws_node_endpoint -> ws_endpoint and http_node_endpoint -> http_endpoint

Initially, we recommend not using the backup_rpcs, just to ensure the migration is successful. Once you're running smoothly then we recommend adding a backup node.

For perseverance we use a Chainflip-run private Polkadot network. Thus, adding a backup_rpc for Polkadot is not necessary.

Environment variables

The names of the environment variables have changed:

Note the __ (double underscore) in the variable names. This is necessary.




The environment variables for the backup nodes are:


Command line arguments

The command line arguments have changed like so:

--eth.http_node_endpoint -> --eth.rpc.http_endpoint
--eth.ws_node_endpoint -> --eth.rpc.ws_endpoint
--dot.ws_node_endpoint -> --dot.rpc.ws_endpoint
--dot.http_node_endpoint -> --dot.rpc.http_endpoint
--btc.http_node_endpoint -> --btc.rpc.http_endpoint
--btc.rpc_user -> --btc.rpc.basic_auth_user
--btc.rpc_password -> --btc.rpc.basic_auth_password

If you would like to specify the backups via command line arguments, you can use these:

--eth.backup_rpc.http_endpoint <ETH_BACKUP_HTTP_ENDPOINT>
--eth.backup_rpc.ws_endpoint <ETH_BACKUP_WS_ENDPOINT>
--dot.backup_rpc.http_endpoint <DOT_BACKUP_HTTP_ENDPOINT>
--dot.backup_rpc.ws_endpoint <DOT_BACKUP_WS_ENDPOINT>
--btc.backup_rpc.http_endpoint <BTC_BACKUP_HTTP_ENDPOINT>
--btc.backup_rpc.basic_auth_user <BTC_BACKUP_RPC_USER>
--btc.backup_rpc.basic_auth_password <BTC_BACKUP_RPC_PASSWORD>

You can use chainflip-engine --help to see all the available command line options.

Docker / Kubernetes

Upgrading via Docker or Kubernetes is a little more involved. The issue lies in the fact that Kubernetes requires that we define the ports and port names beforehand and they cannot clash. The config files for each engine would have to support two different ports! Therefore, running two versions of the engine side by side can be tricky. One would have to define the engine port names differently for each version. Also, there is the problem that the new engine needs to be able to access the data.db directory. Unless you are running some kind of NFS setup, which allows ReadWriteMany configuration, you will likely not be able to mount volume for the data.db directory to two separate pods. This means you would have to run both engine containers within a single pod. This is not ideal, but it is possible.


Our Helm charts will not support this setup. You will have to modify the YAML yourself.

For this particular upgrade, and for simplicity’s sake, it would be okay for you to wait until the new runtime versions has been pushed and upgrade your image version after this.
